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NATS Monthly - October 2024

📣 News

News or announcements involving NATS.

  • Interested in Cocktails, Connectivity, and Edge? Synadia is hosting two receptions during Tech Week in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Registration is limited, so if you are interested in meeting the Synadia team, request to join today!

  • Synadia in the Big Data 75 for 2024 Normally, “big data” is associated with data warehouses, analytics, cloud storage, and the like. However, Synadia (powered by NATS) has been recognized at enabling global-scale companies with cloud-to-edge use cases. A different kind of “big data” problem, but one that continues to grow as data collection and processing becomes increasingly localized at edge at scale rather than requiuring centralization in the cloud.

  • Going to KubeCon North America 2024? Be sure to block off the NATS maintainer track talk “Nothing but NATS - Going beyond Cloud Native” for an exciting talk and demo. Also be sure to stop by the Synadia booth to meet the team!

🎤 Mentions

Notable mentions of NATS on social channels.

📖 Articles

Blog posts, tutorials, or any other text-based content about NATS.

🧑‍🎓 Resources

Learning resources, such as docs, screencasts, podcasts, and examples.

NATS Community Office Hours

⚡ Releases

Official releases from NATS repos and others in the ecosystem.

💬 Discussions

NATS repositories having recent GitHub Discussions.





