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NATS Monthly - July 2024

📣 News

News or announcements involving NATS.

  • Supercharged Microservices with NATS - Join Jeremy Saenz from Synadia for a 3+ hour workshop and deep dive on NATS for building applications with a microservice-centric architecture. This is a replay of our first Synadia/NATS APAC event.

  • Synadia Enters SaaS Awards, Driving Innovation at the Edge - Read how Synadia is building a next-generation SaaS platform focused on global scale connectivity and distributed data services for cloud-to-edge applications.

  • SUSECON 2024: Chat with Synadia about Kubernetes HA and AI at the Edge - Synadia and SUSE have been working together to build a two-node k3s solution, powered by NATS, for edge use cases. Keep a look out for the talk recording when it is released!

  • NATS v2.10.17 - Other than it being a significant patch release, the NATS team has decided to introduce a long-term support (LTS) model. v2.10.17 marks the first patch release of the 2.10.x series in scope of the LTS guidelines. A blog post on what this means coming soon!

🫶 Engage

Opportunities for engagement on NATS preview features, new projects, and Synadia products.

⚙️ Projects

Community created projects, integrations, or discussions in the NATS ecosystem.

🧑‍🎓 Resources

Learning resources, such as docs, screencasts, podcasts, and examples.

NATS Community Office Hours



⚡ Releases

Official releases from NATS repos and others in the ecosystem.

💬 Discussions

NATS repositories having recent GitHub Discussions.


